Get accepted, guaranteed.

Get accepted, guaranteed.

Experts that get you accepted into the medical or PA school that is right for you.

Experts that get you accepted into the medical or PA school that is right for you.

Taking You From Undergrads to Physicians & PAs

Acceptances Into Top Medical & PA Schools

Acceptances Into Top Medical & PA Schools

Acceptances Into Top Medical & PA Schools

Acceptances Into Top Medical & PA Schools

Acceptances Into Top Medical & PA Schools

Acceptances Into Top Medical & PA Schools

"I attribute my acceptance to the #1 PA program in the country to their guidance. Best Investment ever."

- Ruth Ramos

Accepted to Duke University

"I attribute my acceptance to the #1 PA program in the country to their guidance. Best Investment ever."

- Ruth Ramos

Accepted to Duke University

"I attribute my acceptance to the #1 PA program in the country to their guidance. Best Investment ever."

- Ruth Ramos

Accepted to Duke University

Proven results designed for you to get accepted.

We're focused on getting you accepted so you can pursue the career of their dreams and live the life YOU want to live. Stress free.

Making Access Affordable For Every Pre-Med & Pre-PA.

Addressing Every Applicants Fears.

With unlimited prep, unlimited review, and a team supporting you throughout your journey, your fears are as good as gone. By guaranteeing your acceptance to the program that is right for you, we leave you with zero risk and 100% upside.

"I attribute my acceptance to the #1 PA program in the country to their guidance. Best Investment ever."

- Ruth Ramos

Accepted to Duke University

"I attribute my acceptance to the #1 PA program in the country to their guidance. Best Investment ever."

- Ruth Ramos

Accepted to Duke University

"I attribute my acceptance to the #1 PA program in the country to their guidance. Best Investment ever."

- Ruth Ramos

Accepted to Duke University

We believe in a student-centered approach.

Our services are centered around the needs and goals of the students we serve. Delivering excellence in admissions coaching while doing what is best by you - the student. Much like the patients you will soon serve, you are in the driver seat.

Our Services

Choose Your Path

"Your application review significantly helped me understand how to improve.

I don't often receive much feedback besides "it's good". Thank you!!"

- Ruth Ramos

Accepted to Duke University

"Your application review significantly helped me understand how to improve.

I don't often receive much feedback besides "it's good". Thank you!!"

- Ruth Ramos

Accepted to Duke University

"Your application review significantly helped me understand how to improve.

I don't often receive much feedback besides "it's good". Thank you!!"

- Ruth Ramos

Accepted to Duke University

What can you expect from BrainBox MED?

BrainBox MED was created to take students down the path from prospective student to qualified applicants for the medical or PA school of their dreams. That path looks like this:

Personalized Plan For Acceptance.

An individualized plan made for you to achieve your goals.

Personalized Plan For Acceptance.

An individualized plan made for you to achieve your goals.

Personalized Plan For Acceptance.

An individualized plan made for you to achieve your goals.

Personalized Plan For Acceptance.

An individualized plan made for you to achieve your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is BrainBox MED For?

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Who is BrainBox MED For?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Who is BrainBox MED For?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Who is BrainBox MED For?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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