Invest in Hemp-based

Wellness with 10x Projected Growth


$100k Generated Through Organic Growth Alone, No Marketing Efforts


Vertically Integrated with 80% Margins


Disrupting a Global Market Forecasted to Grow 5x in Size by 2028


Projected Growth to 10x Current Revenues in 2 Years in a $30B+ Market

Invest in Hemp-based

Wellness with 10x Projected Growth


$100k Generated Through Organic Growth Alone, No Marketing Efforts


Vertically Integrated with 80% Margins


Disrupting a Global Market Forecasted to Grow 5x in Size by 2028


Projected Growth to 10x Current Revenues in 2 Years in a $30B+ Market


We provide a moment of peace and the luxury of time with a product-line designed to aid relaxation and promote meaningful rest.


We’re seeing a 38% shift in people turning to alternative medical benefits to help address common yet overlooked health challenges.


K’dara provides the opportunity to choose alternative wellness and help our audiences find holistic development.

How it Works

What is K'dara?

K'dara is a Hemp-based wellness company that provides solutions for prevalent health challenges such as stress, anxiety, and pain by:

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Making Hemp-derived wellness products accessible and introducing a forward-thinking approach to innovation through wellness.

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Curating an enhanced movement for | wo | men | to chase their dreams and live life by their own design.

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Providing more than just a product, we exist to empower, inspire, and curate the ultimate experiences.

The Hemp Market

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Currently Valued at Over $28 Billion.

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Forecasted to Bring In a CAGR of over 30% in the next 7 years.

Our Unique Market Edge

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Making Hemp-based health and wellness accessible across all state lines, K’dara offers a dynamic brand experience.

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With full control over our entire product-line formulations and 80% margins, K’dara is entirely vegan, eco-friendly, and sustainable.

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K’dara is more than modern wellness, we are a vision set to inspire and lead the next generation, tapping into a $30B Market.

Why Now?

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The hemp industry has proven to be recession-proof, rising to record-breaking figures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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As a curated wellness brand, K’dara sits in the luxury product market space, an industry known to be highly recession-resistant.

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In a fairly new industry, we sit on the cusps of major growth worldwide with the power to expand internationally.

Meet the Founder

Katrina Thompkins

A modern-day hero, Katrina is a registered nurse who worked the frontlines of the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York. Having studied and experienced the challenges posed by health concerns, Katrina launched her own business, K’dara, with a vision in mind: help people overcome their suffering.

Born and raised in Texas, Katrina always believed in the power of herbal and alternative medicine, with her grandmother, Clover, teaching her the importance of herbs, plants, and natural remedies to cure not only the body but also the mind and soul. As a nod to her beloved Clover, K’dara was launched with the intention of bettering peoples’ lives, providing tangible results to overlooked health challenges.

Join the TeMeet the K’dara Teamam Now

With Years of Dedicated Care and Experience

Jessica Soldano

Director of Business Development

Paulina M. Herrera

Social Media Marketing Manager

Our Investment Details

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Type of Deal: Equity

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Returns on Investment: 10%

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Exit Strategy: Cash Flow, then Sell through Acquisition

About K'dara

K'dara was founded in 2020, and ever since we’ve been scaling consistently to ensure that our vision for luxury wellness and healthcare inspires and empowers the next generation.

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Our Current Valuation: $50M+

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Our Current Revenue: $100K+


1. What makes K'dara a better option than its competitors?

Katrina launched K’dara after noticing a gap in the luxury wellness market. Simply, the Hemp-based health and wellness industry is ripe for disruption. Not only is there a shift in today’s societies towards alternative solutions, as brought to you by K’dara, the hemp industry is providing essential healthcare solutions, otherwise often dismissed or overlooked. Yet with K’dara, you don’t just get a healthcare solution, this is a carefully curated and perfected experience, developed with the future in mind. We’re ensuring that all of our products are kind to the planet and its people as well as leveraging our platforms to inspire and empower generations to come.

2. What returns can I expect from investing with K'dara?

Katrina launched K’dara after noticing a gap in the luxury wellness market. Simply, the Hemp-based health and wellness industry is ripe for disruption. Not only is there a shift in today’s societies towards alternative solutions, as brought to you by K’dara, the hemp industry is providing essential healthcare solutions, otherwise often dismissed or overlooked. Yet with K’dara, you don’t just get a healthcare solution, this is a carefully curated and perfected experience, developed with the future in mind. We’re ensuring that all of our products are kind to the planet and its people as well as leveraging our platforms to inspire and empower generations to come.

3. Why is now the time to invest with K'dara?

We know how to vet businesses, buy the right ones, manage them, and scale them to a 7-9 figure valuation in 12-24 months by using our unique, proven ARM5™ Formula. The strategies, tactics, and processes we’ve perfected over the last 10 years have proven to grow brands faster than 75% of the E-Commerce industry. Our team’s collective experience consists of over 100 years of digital marketing experience and success in over 150 verticals. We’ve generated over $600 million and have over $20 million in managed ad spend experience.

4. How will K'dara plan to use the capital raised?

We know how to vet businesses, buy the right ones, manage them, and scale them to a 7-9 figure valuation in 12-24 months by using our unique, proven ARM5™ Formula. The strategies, tactics, and processes we’ve perfected over the last 10 years have proven to grow brands faster than 75% of the E-Commerce industry. Our team’s collective experience consists of over 100 years of digital marketing experience and success in over 150 verticals. We’ve generated over $600 million and have over $20 million in managed ad spend experience.

From the Desk of Katrina Thompkins

When I first started this business, the dream was to disrupt the health and wellness industry. As a practicing nurse, I worked the frontlines of a global pandemic and experienced a pain and struggle that most go their entire lives without witnessing.

It seemed as though traditional medicine was providing ample care but there was a missing puzzle piece - a disregard to people’s holistic health. Looking at humans as more than just numeric indicators and pre-examined conditions.

Fast forward a few years later, we’re scaling in a (very) fast-growing industry, forecasted to grow over 5x within the next decade. We’ve built a community, a brand that stood for more than just high-quality products, but for generational empowerment.

We’ve re-imagined K’dara, ushering in a minimal and modern luxurious expression, and we’re trying to keep up with our growth. We’ve reached a natural point for reflecting on how far we’ve come and we need a boost.

That’s where you come in.

If you are a believer of the healing powers of alternative medicine or big returns (I assume both!), then I’m excited for you to join us on this journey together.

Go ahead and schedule a call with me and I’ll share with you all the details of our business. And after you do… I’m sure you’ll want to join our team.

The problem is that current wellness products offer little to no proven benefits and rarely target stress, pain, and anxiety as root causes for larger health struggles. But for most of the current generations, traditional medicine no longer provides them with the kind of holistic support they need and seek out.

And even better, the same groups are no longer interested in shallow products and branding, they demand better.

And so, we do better. Our revenue and fast growth proves that out unequivocally.

That’s why K’dara is curated and designed simply for the needs of our customers. We are uniquely positioned to take advantage of these converging trends. The time is now.

And with industry showing an expected growth of more than $160 Billion in the next 7 years, we plan on having an easy 10% return for our investors.

With that said, we are excited to meet you.

Go ahead and schedule a call with us.

Talk soon,

Katrina Thompkins