Find Your Life’s Calling

Make Your Strengths Work For You

1. Build Your Skillset

2. Redefine Your Self-Love

3. Find Your Inner Peace

4. Sediment Your Purpose

You’re Not Alone

You’re Not Alone

If you were to take a look around, you probably wouldn't assume that people don’t really know what they’re doing most of the time. But the truth what I’ve come to learn and be confident in is that we all don’t know what we’re doing sometimes. Feeling disoriented and lost is human. You are not alone in trying to figure out your purpose, your true calling.

You’re Needed

You’re Needed

You might think that you’ve lost your way because you simply do not have the skills to act on your purpose. Or that none of your skills could really be of value. I’m here to reassure you that no skill is invaluable. ALL skills are needed.

The important thing is to be able to build on what you already have, your strong suits and niche talents. That’s when you can start to truly apply yourself and notice that the only thing stopping you is your own mind working against you.

You might think that you’ve lost your way because you simply do not have the skills to act on your purpose. Or that none of your skills could really be of value. I’m here to reassure you that no skill is invaluable. ALL skills are needed. The important thing is to be able to build on what you already have, your strong suits and niche talents. That’s when you can start to truly apply yourself and notice that the only thing stopping you is your own mind working against you.

Empowerment Coaching

Find Your Life’s Meaning With Expert Guidance and Support.

Expert Coaching

Receive on-demand coaching and guidance from industry experts.

Exclusive Resources

Access exclusive learning and personal development resources to unlock your full potential.

Tailored Plans

Receive your tailored plan for rebuilding your confidence and self-love and finding your purpose.

A Like-Minded Community

Be a part of a like-minded community of women who live in abundance and love.

Empowerment Coaching

Unleash Your Potential & Live in Abudance

Empowerment Coaching is about your potential. With industry experts at your disposal and guided coaching with May Abouzahra, we want to help you realize your full power and tune in with your strengths. With everything you need under one roof, you’ll finally be able to dedicate the effort and time you need to pursuing your life’s calling and living your truest life.


Years of Experience


Find Your People


In self-confidence


To reach your goals

How to Get Started

Book Your FREE Consultation Call

Chat with May Abouzahra

Find Your Purpose

Why Us

Who We Serve

looking to find their purpose.

Women ready to work on their confidence and self-love

Individuals searching for guidance on how to navigate high-stress situations.

Women excited to build an extensive toolbelt of valuable skills.

Individuals ready to make a difference.


" The biggest success was knowing that I don't have to do it alone with my own resources.”

Alex Solga

"The power that it has in encouraging you, energizing you, and supporting it's so different from being alone."

Andrea Solga

"It has saved me. I was put in a box and I wasn't alive. I’m never going back to teaching. I'm in here for life."

Allison Pazuk

Can You Afford To

Ignore Your Life’s Calling?

Finding your life’s calling is something we all work towards. It’s what we all chase. For if you don’t know your purpose, how do you live a life fulfilled? Live a life that’s yours and that leaves the right impact on those you love.

So, when your life’s calling is knocking on your door, turning your back on your potential is killing your spirit. Choosing to neglect yourself, your powers, and your love.

You deserve better.

I founded Empowerment Coaching because I knew that like you, millions of women continue to turn their backs on themselves. To turn a blind eye to their skills, strengths, and talents.

That’s exactly why my team and I have made sure to provide you with not only an expert team that cares about you, first and foremost, but also access to exclusive resources that carefully consider your needs.

Simply, I want you to live a life filled with hope, love, and prosperity. And I know that you have all that it takes to turn your life around, to find your purpose and to pursue it to the fullest. I know that because I once sat where you do now. And unlike you, I didn’t have someone like me, who knew everything worth knowing about this journey guiding me.

From the very beginning, our mission was not only to provide you with the coaching and guidance you need and deserve. We want you to find your people. The women, like you, who will continue to push you. To support you in all of your endeavors. To cheer for your successes.

That's how we know we can help you, no matter your needs.

Don’t wait on your calling. When it knocks, you answer.

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