Make First-Party Data Your Secret Weapon

Train Ad Platforms To Move Faster, Spend Less, and Convert More

30 - 70% Cut in Acquisition Costs

Drive higher ROAS with Unified First-Party Data

OS 14.5+ Proof. Your first-party data is yours - Apple can’t do anything about that.

2-3x The Size of Your Custom Audiences Vs. FB Default

The Future of Digital Acquisition

If you’re like most of our clients, you have seen lower sales and increasing marketing expenses following iOS 14.5 and despite your best efforts, you can’t get conversions back to their pre-iOS glory. We engineered a quick and easy system for harnessing the power of your first-party data that increases Ad ROI and protects you from the whims of Facebook, Google, and Apple.

Make Your Data Work For You

Digital Growth Labs helps you engineer and activate audiences across all marketing platforms. It's time to stop renting your data from ad platforms.

Unlock, store and leverage your data on every marketing channel. We guide you on best practices for implementing the data so you can be confident that your growth efforts are optimized.

What We’ve Done For Others

eCommerce Website Performance An eCommerce company selling stereo equipment achieved an 85% reduction in average cost per click and a 400% return on their ad spend.

Audience Reach And Size

Segment 1: Based on Default Facebook Capability Audience Size - 600 - 700K Segment 2: Based on First-Party Data Sync Audience Size - 1.5 - 1.8M

Cost Per Result and Return On Advertising Spend After two weeks, cost per result was reduced from $169 to $46.

Facebook Event Match Quality From 5/7/2022 to 5/20/22 Event Match Quality scores for ‘PageView’ improved from 4.9 to 5.8, ‘View Content’ grew from 4.8 to 5.8, etc

Digital Growth Labs

Make Your Data Work For You

Immediate Impact

Beat iOS and increase your match rates on Facebook by up to 80%.

Competitive Edge

The marketers that start leveraging their first-party data today will be the winners tomorrow.

Ownership & Control

Break free of the walled garden of Google and Facebook.

Real Results

We equip you with the ability to play the game with no limits on where or when your audience can be found and contacted.


First - Party Data Collection

Build your first-party database for the cookieless future

No-Code data collection

Collect your store’s data from various sources like websites, live chat, etc - without write a single line of code

Anonymous visitors data collection

98% of store visitors are anonymous first-party data. Collect anonymous visitor data & activate them on various ad platforms.

Build Unified User Profiles

Get all the customer data in one place

Anonymous visitor profile

Gain a holistic view of anonymous visitor data and their activities within your store.

Customer profile

Provide the marketing team with a unified 360-degree customer profile to enhance personalisation.

Audience Segments

Group website visitors into smarter audience segments

Segment your audiences based on activity, traits, location, or events (For ex: product page, check out page, shopping cart abandonment by shoppers, etc.)



Accuracy and Freedom

Take ownership of your data

Digital Growth Labs helps you collect, segment, and share your first-party data with Facebook more effectively using our CDP tool that can increase your match rate by up to 80%. Our propriety tech has proven to improve retargeting campaign performance by sharing first-party data more efficiently with Facebook/ Google using CDP increasing retargeting audience size, event-match quality, match rates, etc.

We Partner With

DTC & eComm brands allocating at least $15k in monthly ad spend on Facebook.

In-house marketing teams or outside agencies.

Codeless Data Collection

Collect customer data from multiple sources such as websites, apps, and servers.

Codeless Data Unification

No-code CDP will merge all your data to create unified customer profiles.

Codeless Data Sync

Send the unified data back to any tool in your martech stack without any code

Future-proof your growth.

Purpose-driven, focused on results.

DGL is not another IP tool. We do not use third-party data. We own and control every piece of the underlying technology and BUY the data you see here. This is the reason why other companies are inapplicable: they cannot implement the machine learning closed-loop analysis. They rely on third parties to provide unvalidated "intent" data. We own the opted-in intent and contact record data while layering on the historical behavioral analysis to predict outcomes. Every piece of data is "hit". Meaning we know where it comes from, how it was validated, when it was validated, and where it was validated.

Exclusive Access

to Proven Proprietary Tech


Your Audience Size in 45 Days


Audience Match Rates

Up to 70%

Cut in Acquisition Costs


I currently use a tracking & attribution solution, do I need this?

While attribution tools provide valuable insights into what campaigns and channels are performing the best they cannot track anonymous users and cannot activate them back into ad platforms.

What data security policies do you have in place?

All of our data is SOC 2 compliant and is extremely secure.

Does this only help with Facebook?

Our systems work and improve your efforts across all ad platforms. At this time, FB ads see the greatest performance improvement because we are feeding the starving FB algorithm the data it has been desperately needing post iOS 14.5. It is worth noting that

Is this for B2C only or will it work for B2B?

Our tech can and does work with both B2B and B2C markets. B2C privacy laws are changing rapidly, and marketing to consumers will only get more difficult as time goes on.

How to Get Started

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Future-Proof Your Growth

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