Everything You’ve Learned About Real Estate Is a Lie!

Gain Financial Security & Achieve Your Goals in Real Estate 

Investment - Attend Our Live Real Estate Fools Event On April 1st April 1st, 11am-6:30pm EST

Gain Financial Security & Achieve Your Goals in Real Estate 

Investment - Attend Our Live Real Estate Fools Event On April 1st April 1st, 11am-6:30pm EST

You’ve Been Fooled! This Live Event Is Here To Set The Record Straight

Unlock The Secrets To Real Estate Investing With Our Free Live Event Webinar On April First!

Katie Richardson

Ryan Miller

You’ve Been Fooled!

April 1st

2 Live Expert Speakers

Understand current market trends

Build a Profitable Network

Join a like-minded community

What You’ll Get At This Years Real Estate Fools!

The Goal behind the pop-up party is to

surround yourself with

like-minded people

Feature Headline

Networking Opportunities - This is an invaluable opportunity for networking with others in the same field and learning from those who have been successful. By attending this event, you gain access to key contacts that can help take your career or business to the next level.

Feature Headline

New Trends & Strategies - you have the opportunity to learn about new trends and strategies related to your field from experienced industry leaders. These experts can provide valuable insights into how the market is shifting, what strategies are working best right now, and offer advice on how to stay ahead of the competition. You will leave this event with an arsenal of knowledge that can help you take your business or career in a successful direction.

Feature Headline

Relax & Be Inspired - This is an excellent way to get motivated and learn from those who have achieved the goals that you are striving for. Hearing these stories can give you insight into what it takes to succeed in your field and provide the motivation needed to keep pushing forward towards your own success.

Ben Humble


Coming from humble beginnings, Ben spent many years living a life that did not serve him or his truth. As he overcame more and more challenges in life, Ben made a conscious decision to start living boldly. He continued to push boundaries and pave the way for a life that fulfilled him.

Twenty years later, Ben is CEO of the largest private mortgage company in southwestern Ontario. His mission is to make home ownership an achievable goal for young families.

Now, Ben is dedicated to sharing how he developed a passion for life and the abundance mindset he credits for

his immense success.

Get Started

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